Accounting and Tax
Although you do not need to report to Companies House as a Sole Trader or Partnership you will still need accounts and tax return preparation at your year end. We will provide you with this and meet the relevant deadlines.
Recording day-to-day purchases and logging your invoices takes up valuable time, time that may be better spent on your actual business activities. Take advantage of our bookkeeping service and we will do everything for you. You will always be up to date with your accounts and have a much clearer view of your financial position.
If you are registered for VAT taking care of your quarterly returns and submitting them on time can result in a few late nights! Let us take care of your VAT and you will never be late with your submissions and you can enjoy your precious leisure time.
You may already have employees or be planning to expand, managing the associated payroll of your business and keeping up to date with the latest government legalisation can be challenging. We operate monthly payrolls for many other businesses just like your’s, handling the HR function for new-starts, sickness pay, maternity pay and unfortunately in some circumstances redundancies and dismissals. Having 100% accurate data is critical for you and your employees confidence in your business.
Credit Control
The cash flow of your business is critical to your success or failure. One of the key elements to a strong cash flow is being paid on time by your customers’. We manage Credit Control for many clients’ who simply don’t have the time or skills to professionally ‘chase’ payments. We build relationships with your customers and ensure regular communications take place between us and them. Invoices, credit notes and statements are distributed and followed up by email and telephone when required. In our experience good communication with your customers’ accounts departments is the best method of avoiding any bad debts.